Thursday, April 23, 2009

Important to God

This morning, as part of my reading, I continue to work through the first chapters of 1 Chronicles. Each time I come to these chapters they make me wonder...why are these in the bible? It's chapter after chapter, verse after verse of names and lineages. "George was the father of James, and James was the father of Harry, and....." These are names that would be completely forgotten from history except for their record in the bible. In fact, I doubt that any other book of history has such a complete history of families. Why are they in the bible? The book would be much lighter without them. I honestly find myself skimming these chapters. As I do I think of 2 Timothy where it says, "ALL scripture is profitable.." and I wonder, how does this profit me? What do I do with it? I think it's as simple as this- each person, each name is someone God cared about. He knew them by name and he's kept a record of them. He doesn't forget anyone. Everyone is important to God. Even those who history has forgotten....even those people are remembered and important to God. So, today, it makes me aware that everyone I meet, pass by, or even ignore is a person that God knows by name and is important to, my own value is enhanced. When I think no one cares about me, no one knows me, God does. He has my name written down. He doesn't forget about anyone, everyone is important to God.

1 comment:

Brandon and Jenny said...

In my theology class that I am taking right now, my prof challenged the students saying "before you preach John 3:16 the 2nd, 3rd, or even 4th time, teach the rest of the Bible." His point is exactly what you stated...ALL scripture is profitable. I'd wondered about that lineage part. Thanks for sharing that. As always, it is a great encouragement.