It's Sunday morning. The sun has risen. No one is surprised. Just like every other morning in every generation since creation the sun has risen. We are used to it. It's pretty much expected by us, isn't it? In fact, every morning of my life the sun has risen. I'm used to it, comfortable with it.....frankly I know it will rise.
Why? Because a faithful God is showing us every morning his faithful nature by giving us the light of day. It's a constant reminder that God is the same as he has always been, faithful to care for us, able to do so and loving. So, this morning, as I see the first glimmer of light over the horizon I'm thankful for God's care, his love, his provision and his power to accomplish good things for us. Good morning, Lord. Thanks for the sun today.
I love your sunrise pic and that you are a Pastor! I picked out your picture to use on my "Encourage myself in the Lord" sheet, where I felt like the Lord was encouraging me to get up early and spend time in the Word with Him, and wow, I picked a Pastor's picture! God always confirms His word!
sunrise is one of the most beautiful action from nature! and we should be happy to see it every day!
2.258 Hast thou not Turned thy vision to one who disputed with Abraham About his Lord, because Allah had granted him power? Abraham said: "My Lord is He Who Giveth life and death." He said: "I give life and death".Said Abraham: "But it is Allah that causeth the sun to rise from the east: Do thou then cause him to rise from the West." Thus was he confounded who (in arrogance) rejected faith.Nor doth Allah Give guidance to a people unjust.
Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?
Isaiah 45:5
I am the LORD, and there is no other; apart from me there is no God.
The God of the bible, the maker of heaven and earth, declares he is the only God. There is no other God and the God of the bible is not Allah.
How Beautiful!
True, the Sun will rise day after day for perhaps a few more billion years till all the hydrogen in it is consumed.
Then our SUN will die and a new Sun will rise in another part of the universe, giving birth to a new form of life unlike ours.
Let us thank the SUN for this day.
Sam, thanks for the smile. Good shot from the bleachers. But my simple question is this- how do you know that? great theory for sure, but speculation at best, but thanks for the smile.
BREATH TAKING... But still this is peace of a tree compares to the love of God towards us...
Thank you mister for reminding us..
Thank You God for your unfading and endless love that up to this point, is still improving..
You are most welcome Jared, thanks for your comment.
thank you for giving me an inspiration.
I always thank God for allowing me to see persons with such faith.
I pray that God will always bless you and your family.
God bless pastor.
Hi Mike, Ito like mentioned in a previous comment CRS 2012, looking for a picture of sunrise. I found the perfect one, almost exactly what I'd pictured in Mind to use as a background to a logo for a children's program and 'starting' well, when I came across your web page.
I have always loved dawn and all its beautiful colours and what it represents to us in Spirit. A saying which has always stayed with me, "When we raise our thoughts above earths stormy clouds we see the Sun is always shining" a quote from a lady named Mary Baker Eddy.
Your perfect picture of the Sun rising, with its golden beams of Light radiating outwardly reflecting its glow on everything it touches, warming and awakening the Spirit within. God's qualities of Life, Divine Love encompassing us all, Truth, Soul in Spirit, the perfect Principle of infinite Mind and its manifestation,always an ever present source, lighting our way so we see and understand our choices and when we are wondering from the frey.
It is only us through our material senses and limited mind set who perceives both day and night, beginning and end of life, dawn and sunset. Darkness or F.E.A.R (false evidence appearing real in mind) has no reality except in our own belief, and disappears into its "native nothingness", when we understand and recognise our true being and eternal light is always shining and we are here to reflect it.
Thankyou for not only sharing your picture but this bonus, open websight where we can all share our feelings and thoughts. Also for your guiding inspirational postings. Jannie
The photo of the sunrise is beautiful. It also reminds me how amazing the Lord is in all His beauty and creation. Thank you for sharing this pic of God's wonderful art and mighty hands.
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