Monday, April 27, 2009

Worth the cost

As tensions and persecutions increase around the world I have been thinking about what I would do when faced with persecution for my faith. How would I respond? What would I do if my life was the price of my faith? I have had this lingering in the back of my mind for a while...thinking about it worth the cost? Is the prize worth the price?
I have good friends who are risking their lives for their faith even now....would I do the same if faced with persecution or death? Is it worth the cost? Am I willing to pay the price? It's a question I think every believer needs to wrestle with. If it's not worth your very life you may have some things to work out with God.
Personally, I hope I am never faced with the need to answer this question, but if it ever does happen I respond with a resounding cry, "It's worth the cost, it's worth my all. For all he gave for me I will give my all for him. It's worth my all!"


Brandon and Jenny said...

We studied Hebrews 11 last week as a mission body here in Guatemala and it is amazing what happened to so many in that faithful "Hall of Heroes".

You don't hear much about getting sawed in half or burned alive from pulpits. I too hope I never have to face that. But if I do, may the Lord grant me grace and strength to echo your cry.

Folks in the US lead pretty comfy lives in that regard. In every regard, actually.

Unknown said...

I take comfort in watching the apostles. They went from a cowering, disbanded, Christ-denying lot to an on-fire-preach-the-Gospel-at-any-cost team of evangelists. And THEY did pay a price! I have to believe that is God's strength manifested in weak men. How else can both extremes be so vividly displayed in such as short time period?