Thursday, May 21, 2009

Upside down living

A wildlife photographer recently took this photo of a goose flying upside down. It's a rare photo, but something geese do to land in high wind situations. It looks strange because it is! My first thoughts on seeing this photo were, "This isn't right. What's wrong with this photo?"
Honestly, I think I find myself doing this in my Christian life at times....flying upside. I trust what I can see, what I have in the bank, what I know is coming from my job instead of trusting God. That's upside down living. I plan for the days ahead, for retirement, for what I will "need" to live in the days ahead instead of believing what Jesus said, "don't worry about tomorrow." That's upside down living. I put me first, what I want...what I need...what's important to me instead of putting others first and serving them. That's upside down living.
You get the idea, don't you? When we live like the world we are living upside down....we are missing the way God meant for us to "fly." It might be a great way for geese to land in heavy winds, but it's no way for a child of God to live his/her life. Isaiah wrote about the kind of flying God wants for us when he said, Isa 40:31 "Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary."


Brandon and Jenny said...

Thank you, Mike. I am amazed (maybe ashamed) at how often I need these kinds of reminders.

Brother John said...

Great reminder, Mike, and SO true! It's like when Peter decided to look at the waves instead of his Lord. He was so focused on his circumstances that he missed the big picture! I often also find myself missing God's intention and start living upside down. But doing that just gets me disoriented! Only when I'm upside up can I think clearly and walk on those waves towards my Savior in peace.