Monday, May 04, 2009

Celebrating moments

I have a bad habit of being very task focused. Do the next thing, get through this day, finish that next. Task focused living is miserable. One of the things I have to constantly do in my own life is stop to celebrate moments. To just take a moment to enjoy a visit with my wife, that cup of coffee, time with a friend, quiet time. I'm not good at celebrating moments so I have to do it intentionally. Always, when I stop for a moment just to catch my breath, I'm aware that in my life the moments pass by far too quickly and I miss the opportunity to celebrate them because the next task looms ahead. I'm trying to slow down, I really am, but it's much harder than I imagined when I've spent so many years on tasks. I plan to make it my next task to simply enjoy the moments ahead....yeah, that will work! A new task!

1 comment:

Brandon and Jenny said...

That picture is hysterical. 4 squared, two kings. Stale mate...but the task is not what's important, it's the community. Fantastic pic, again.