Saturday, May 30, 2009

Kenya mission trip blog site up and running!

We have just set up a new blog page for our Africa trip.  We will be leaving in just two weeks, so stop by our blog, Crossroads to Africa '09, often and read our journals, see the photos and videos as we are able to post them.  These two trips will be a great part of the Crossroads ministry to pastors and their wives in Kenya.
I would also ask you to pray for our trips to Haiti and Mississippi which will be traveling at the same time.
We have a lot going on this summer and your prayers for us are much needed.  Thank you all for your support and love to make these trips possible.  


Susan Myers said...

Wow! Just two weeks away! I hope everyone has a good time and stays safe. Thanks for the blog info; I look forward to hearing all about it. You, Joye, and the whole team will be in my prayers. (Plus the other teams as well.)

word verification: "resta" -what missionaries don't get a lot of.


Mike Messerli said...

very funny, Susan, thanks.

Kris Sorensen said...

It's good to hear of Crossroad's missionary efforts this summer. Great stuff!! I love it when the church gets outside of the walls like this. God bless you and your teams.