I don't write these "Just thinking" posts often....it's because thinking is a real challenge for me. I find that, most of the time, I'm dipping from a very shallow pond. I have a fellow pastor who is a chronic thinker and has a lot to say, but I find that most of the time, when I try to think of something to talk about, my little brain is quite empty...quite shallow.
My thoughts fly to people, needs, hurts and how can I help. Ideas are not as warm and fuzzy to me so I don't spend as much time romancing them, but today I'm thinking...
-I find myself doing a LOT of marriage counseling. It's very concerning to me. It seems the strains of the culture and our days is tearing at the homes in our church family. It makes me want to work on my marriage even more. If other marriages struggle I have to spend extra time guarding mine.
-I had some great time of prayer this morning. It was a strange time, but I got to spend it talking to God. I want a closer walk with God. I'm still leaning into my walk with God and working on that relationship. I find that the closer I get the more I want. I pray that will continue.
-It's been a strange week, I've had calls from some of our missionaries in different parts of the world this week. I love talking to them, they bless my life so richly, and I wish I could visit each one of them on location to encourage and pray for them. Missionaries are a most special group of people to me. I think they are amazing.
-Last night a rain storm came through. When I saw the clouds building I got on the motorcycle and rode right into it. It was great!
-Our sweet daughter has been on a mini-vacation to get some time to find herself again, 4 kids will make that necessary, but I really miss her and can't wait for her to return.
-I'm preaching this Sunday to finish the David series. I can't wait to talk about "Lessons from a Transparent Life". Now all I have to do is put the sermon and the notes together.
-Two weeks and we are off to Kenya to teach. A lot of teaching! I have a number of messages to put together and I haven't done them yet. I NEED to get busy. I would appreciate your prayers.
-Ok, the pond is dry, back to work. Dinner with friends tonight. A bunch of counseling tomorrow. Sermon prep. Life is great!