Thursday, June 11, 2009

Tornados, trees, travel and thankfulness

It started last night...heavy winds, rain, and a tornado near our area. I was out getting dinner and quickly abandoned my quest to retreat to the shelter of home. This morning, at 5am the rains started...2 to 3 inches in less than an hour. I decide my fate and head for the back yard with my shovel. We have some landscaping problems we are planning to fix, but here's what happens- heavy rain=flooded house. This morning, at 5am, I'm determined to stop it this time. I am quickly soaked, digging a trench to get the water to run off to a harmless destination. Finally success, then to the garage where I turn on the sump pump and then to the front yard to haul huge broken limbs from the yard to the back...with only hours before we leave I had to get the yard cleaned up. As I'm pulling limbs around to the back my neighbor is leaving for work. My neighbor, Kevin, and I talk about how blessed we are to have so little damage. I agreed, but told him I had to get it all picked up because we were leaving for Kenya at noon. As you know, there are no coincidences, and Kevin, leaving for work said, "Just dump it all there, I'll clean it up on Friday. Have a great trip." I am so thankful that we were well protected and only had a few problems. I hope you survived our storms in the night. What an exciting way to kick off a mission trip! I'll check in when we get to a computer. Thank you all for your prayers for us as we travel. Do also pray for the pastors who will be attending this conference.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mike and Joye, WOW scarry stuff. We lost one half of one of our trees in the front yard. We pray for a safe and uneventful trip, except for excitment as you'll glorify our Lord by the work you will do.
Hopefully all the storms are behind you. God bless and keep you all under His wings.