Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Paula the Buddhist

Today I had lunch with a good friend who is the president of Amazon Outreach. It's a mission organization that leads mission trips up and down the Amazon river on two river boats they have purchased and staffed. My friend, Jed, is a great guy, but we haven't spent a lot of time together in a few years.
My last trip with them to the Amazon, sadly, was almost 10 years ago. On that trip we flew into Manaus, Brazil and went up river from there to work in a number of villages along the Amazon river. Because of the language difference we needed translators. There is a large Presbyterian church in Manaus that provides the translators for our trips. On our trip they ran short, so one of the girls asked a friend of hers to come along and translate. Her name is Paula. Paula was a Buddhist. There was some concern over this, but I told Jed to give her to me as translator. She may not be a believer, but she will translate the gospel for me 50 times or more in a week and the Lord will have to do the rest. We had a great week and Paula did a great job for me. We also had several very good visits about faith. Since that day I have prayed consistently for Paula's salvation, but never knew of her fate.
So, we come back to present day over lunch and as we talk about the good old days I asked Jed, "So, what about Paula? I've been praying for her all these years. What do you know about her." Jed smiled and responded, "She a Christian now." My heart leapt! I had shared my faith with her, prayed for her all these years, and now find that God had indeed sought her and saved her. I was and am most excited. I'm most excited that Paula the Buddhist is now a child of the King of heaven!


Laurie said...

That is so awesome!!! Thanks for sharing the story. I remember you telling us about Paula after your Amazon trip 10 years ago. The Lord doesn't always show us the "fruits of our labor". How cool that you were able to hear about Paula through your friend.

Kris Sorensen said...

Praise God! That is wonderful!!

Alicia said...

The Lord is amazing!! A great reminder to persevere even when we don't know if we will ever know the outcome (this side of heaven).

Schweers' Mom said...

That story gives me chills! I remember hearing you talk about Paula after your trip. That gives me hope for some people I continue to pray for, too.