Friday, June 26, 2009

God's work in another life

I got this note today from Winston, one of the pastors who attended the Marriage conference we were part of in Kenya. I thought you would like to hear from someone God is using in a place you may never visit-

Dear brother Mike,

Believing you reached home safely, I thank you with the whole team for coming to Kilifi and being a great blessing to us. I do not know how to express myself concerning the great change that God used you to bring in our marriage. The way God touched me personally. He spoke to me but I could not believe that he was the one speaking which made me cry for some hours before I said yes to what was said to me after the advice of my wife Eunice.

I started as a pastor on the third Sunday of June 1994. I have a certificate in theology and a certificate of primary Education. Eunice has a certificate of primary Education. I went to high school for only one and a half years because of school fees that my father could not pay.

We have six children. 4 boys and 2 girls.

Our church has 80 children, 40 youth, 30 women and 10 men.

Whenever, I think about the growth of the church, mostly the children and the youth, I have tears coming from my eyes. Please pray for me that God will show me how I can help these children and youth to become good servants of the Lord.

Winston, Kilifi, Kenya

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