Saturday, June 01, 2013

Stepping away from the crowds

Matthew 14:13-  Now when Jesus heard about John, He withdrew from there in a boat to a secluded place by Himself; 

I think I've read the gospel of Matthew a hundred times, but this verse stopped me as I read it this morning.  It is the verse immediately after the story of John's beheading.  Jesus received the news about John and the next thing he did was step away...or rather sail away by himself to be alone with God.  

What I had never seen before is Jesus hopping in a boat by himself and sailing across the lake.  Honestly, there is no better place to be alone than the middle of a lake in a boat.  It just never caught my attention that he went alone.  I'm sure he told the 12, "I've got to spend some time with the Father, I'll see you on the other side of the lake..." as he pushes the boat away from shore.

It's important we step away from the chaos of our lives to be alone, to hear silence, to talk to God.  In the middle of the most intense three years in human history, the ministry of Jesus, he hopped in a boat and casually (I assume) sailed to the other side.  He stepped away from the crowds, away from the chaos to be alone. That picture of him sailing alone captivates my imagination....and I wonder how often, in the craziness of all that swirls around me, I simply need to step away to be with God, be be quiet.

When have you last stepped away from the crowds, the craziness to be alone with God? When was the last time when you spent an hour in complete silence just listening to God, talking to him, being still?  Honestly, this short passage forces me to deal with how important time with God important it is to simply walk away and be with the Father.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I also like the picture of his promise to grieve with us. This time alone was a reaction to losing someone dear to Him. Fully man, yet fully God this seems such a tender-hearted reaction and that gives me great comfort.