Friday, June 21, 2013

Once for all!

My friend Larry and I were talking this week about the finished work of Christ.  It is always a thrill to discuss this because when you understand it there is always praise to God as the response.  

The great battle cry of the church should be "ONCE FOR ALL!" and with that declaration of victory praise should follow, but instead most Christians still struggle with sin as if they were defeated foes before its power.  

This morning, as I read, I came once more to the amazing chapter in Hebrews that speaks to this issue, chapter 10.  Here's a portion of the author's celebration of Christ's finished work,

"As a priest, Christ made a single sacrifice for sins, and that was it! Then he sat down right beside God and waited for his enemies to cave in. It was a perfect sacrifice by a perfect person to perfect some very imperfect people. By that single offering, he did everything that needed to be done for everyone who takes part in the purifying process... 

He concludes,
I’ll forever wipe the slate clean of their sins.
Once sins are taken care of for good, there’s no longer any need to offer sacrifices for them."  -THE MESSAGE
In other translations the phrase "once for all" appears a number of times.  One what for all what?  What does this cover? How far does this go?  What are the implications for my life?  What Jesus did on the cross was offer one perfect sacrifice for all people, for all sins, for all's done.  There is no more to forgive...Jesus paid the price for all sins!
That statement immediately gets this response from most people, "yeah...but...." and what follows is the religion of man.  When Christ died he paid the price for all sins, for all men, for all time.  How do I know that?  I know that because he hasn't come back to die again (Heb. 10:18).  He paid the perfect price and redeemed all mankind, forgave all wonderful is that?
So here is the first "yeah but"-  Yeah, but what about the sins I haven't committed yet? What about those? Don't I need to ask forgiveness for those?  Simple answer- no.  Why? Because they are already forgiven.  
So what do we do when we sin, and believe me we will.  We go to the Father in prayer in this way, "Father, thank you that you forgave all my sins in what Christ has done.  I'm so grateful for your salvation. I'm sorry I have sinned and once more proven my need for a savior. Thank you for forgiving me already. Please help me walk with you and not do this again. Amen."  
"Yeah but" #2- Yeah, but what about the man who hasn't trusted Christ yet? Are you saying his sins are forgiven?  Listen carefully, these next few words are really important...Yes, his sins are already forgiven, but he has yet to receive that forgiveness until he trusts Christ.  The debt is paid, but he has not trusted in the one who paid the price.  The saddest day in all eternity will be the day a lost man stands before God and realizes forgiveness was already done IF ONLY he would have trusted in Christ as savior.  There will only be one sin that will send a man to will be the sin of not trusting in Christ who paid the sin debt.
Ready for one more?  "Yeah but" #3- Yeah, but if you're saying my sins are forgiven then I can do anything I want and I'm already forgiven, right?  Read Romans 6.  You can't do what you used to do because you are not who you used to be.  You are now a son of God, why would you act like a son of the devil?  Obviously this question has been asked for more than 2,000 years and we still ask it.
Here's the great verse in this passage that I am captivated by, Hebrews 10:14-  "He has made perfect forever those who are becoming holy."  Did you see that "already-not yet" tension?  I'm perfect, but still becoming holy....what an exciting reality.  If I have trusted Christ I'm already perfect in him...even as I sin today and work on becoming more like him, more holy in my life.  Theologians call this sanctification, but it simply means me, with the help of God, conforming to the image of Christ.
And, if he has done all I've described above who wouldn't want to be like him, to please him, to praise him for his astonishing "ONCE FOR ALL" work?  Once for all...I rejoice in a perfect Lord who has provided total forgiveness for men and women who deserved none of it.  I rejoice in his salvation that promises eternal life...even now, in this moment, as I rest in His finished work.  ONCE FOR ALL!  How wonderful.
(If you're reading this and have never trusted Christ as your savior then the most important thing you can do is accept his gift of salvation, forgiveness and eternal life by trusting in Christ as your savior.  Here is a wonderful place to start in finding the forgiveness Christ has already provided for you-  "GOOD NEWS")

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