Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Squinting to see

Have you ever struggled to see something clearly?  As a child I learned that squinting, closing my eyes nearly shut and straining to focus, helped.  

But I find I struggle to focus clearly on one most important thing-  God.

I recently read an article about Hudson Taylor, the great missionary to China.  He lived his life dependent on one verse,

"And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son." John 14:13

He saw God differently than I do.  His God was clearly bigger than mine and a magnificent promise keeper.  I'm ashamed of my faith as I read about his.  I'm humbled before his God, realizing that I can't see God all that well.

And so, as a stumbling believer, trying to see clearly, I have to constantly revisit the basics.  They are really simple, but I forget so easily.  In the midst of a problem, a storm, a crisis I forget to remember.

So let's work through this,  IF there is a God he has to be all powerful because he made everything, and IF he did communicate to us through the bible and through his Son, and IF he offered promises to us, and IF he's not a liar (and he's not), and IF he really loves us (and he does), THEN, can't I trust his words as Hudson Taylor did?  Can I believe that a loving all powerful God really meant what he said and I am missing out on what could be simply because I don't ask him?

Honesty, my God is too small, my faith shrinks in light of the size of my God and my prayer life reflects both of these.  And so, once more, I'm squinting to see God right sized, the sovereign amazing all powerful loving Father who invites me to ask him, to pray to him and says he will answer.

Lord, give me sight to see how big you are that my faith might be right sized as well.  Help me to boldly come and ask you for the needs of life and the world around me, help me to boldly ask for the impossible....simply because you invited me to ask.  And, thank you for inviting us to ask.  Might I see your hand in ways I never imagined simply because I asked.

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