Have you ever come to a time when you want to, need to, desire to pray, but have nothing to say? There are no words. The heart cries out to God, but words don't come. There is a desire to ask, to plead with God for something, but what? Father....the heart cries, but the words are missing. There is so much that I need to talk to him about....family, the church, finances, health, our country, God's work in me....there is so much, but no words. Father....and with that I stop.
...I'm so glad he doesn't need my words, he knows my heart. I'm so grateful that the Holy Spirit speaks for me when words are absent. I want to ask, but do my words even ask for the right things? Does my mind even know what I really need? I realize there is so much that I don't know and that unknowing affects what I say to God. And why are my words all so selfish? All my thoughts are of me, my welfare, my good, my needs, my family, my health, my needs.....how

can I come to God with thoughts of just me? He already knows what I need and is working on that. He's way ahead of me...light years ahead of me. He was working on the details of my life before he even made the universe. He loves me.
...And so, as I can only imagine a child feels when they raise up stretched arms to a parent to be held, I come to God with no word, only outstretched arms and a cry, Father....
1 comment:
This happens to me often.
God has been showing me that we don't always need to accomplish anything when I enter into his presence. Great post MIKE...I'm sure glad He knows our hearts.
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