I'm always amazed at how creative we are when we need to fix a problem. We are masters at making things work even when it appears there is no way to resolve the problem. We can make 3 wheel cars run, we can make crutches for the lame to walk, we can think through almost any problem and create a solution, but what we can't do is resolve our problem with God on our own....we are in need of help. It's not a simple thing that we can fix if we are only creative enough.
God has told us we are broken and need a "fix", so we create our own "make-do" fixes to the problem of sin and God. We do good deeds, live good lives, help others and a hundred other things that, in our minds, should fix the problem but it doesn't. We are still limping along in need of a real solution to our problem.
That's what Easter is all about....those of us in need of help discovering that God himself became a man to resolve our broken condition. The bible tells us we are sinners in need of a savior. We need to be "fixed", helped, forgiven...we need help. And there is nothing we can do on our own, even with our brilliant and creative minds, to fix this problem...it's simply too big. The only solution to this broken situation is that the creator come and do the repairs and restoration himself and he did. In this Easter week we Christians celebrate God's solution to our brokenness.
The solution is not simply a patch or a mend. It's a completely new life and forgiveness made possible by what Jesus did on the cross. In that one act of sacrifice on the cross he solved our problem of sin and provided the fix to our brokenness. He paid our debt and provided not a patch or a mend, but a new life. It's available to anyone, in fact God has offered it to EVERYONE and he wants every one to be saved. He provided on sacrifice for all sin, for all people, for all time...
"This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life. God didn't go to all the trouble of sending his Son merely to point an accusing finger, telling the world how bad it was. He came to help, to put the world right again. Anyone who trusts in him is acquitted; anyone who refuses to trust him has long since been under the death sentence without knowing it. And why? Because of that person's failure to believe in the one-of-a-kind Son of God when introduced to him." -THE MESSAGE
I'm so glad that he searched me out, he invited me to trust him and I did. In that moment my eternal problem of brokenness was resolved. He saved me. In our world today there are many who would tell you that we are not broken, we don't need a god to fix us, but just look around! Can you see that this is not true at all? We are in need of help and Easter is God's declaration that help, healing and salvation has come.
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