Yesterday we celebrated Palm Sunday. It's the day we remember Jesus' entrance into Jerusalem on a donkey , fulfilling prophesy, declaring himself to be Messiah and King. As Jesus made this entrance everyone knew what it symbolized. Everyone knew what he was stating by his actions, and yet.....
....within just a few days they had rejected him as King and Messiah and on Friday crucified him. It appeared they had won and Jesus was just another failed Messiah pretender, but...
...three days later he rose from the dead. Clearly establishing another kind of kingdom ruled by a different kind of king. And this king, the gracious and loving savior, invites everyone into his kingdom. Admission is free, anyone can be part of it. The promises are wonderful. But this king is not finished yet...
...one day he will return and establish his rule and reign over all mankind. One day...
...one day at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
One day each of us will bow at Jesus feet and declare him Lord. One day the king of heaven will be king of all. Is he your king?
1 comment:
Come, Lord Jesus, come!!!
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