I'm fascinated that we live in such an instant society and yet the odyssey of faith takes a lifetime. Every day I'm more keenly aware of how much there is yet to do in my life. I'm constantly under construction! As I read the word each morning I find more that the Lord needs to do in my life. There is always something I discover the Lord working on in my life. Day by day, little by little, he's molding me into the image of Christ. It's going to take a lifetime!
Years ago, while on a mission trip to Mexico the missionary I traveled with took me to a potter's shop. This was a man who made pottery as they did in the days of the bible. He was at his wheel when we arrived turning a vase. It appeared to me that the vase was nearly done when he mumbled something and in a moment crushed the vase and started over. I was shocked and asked the missionary, "What just happened? What did he say?" He asked the potter, and with only one word he responded, "lumps." The missionary explained that if he fired the vase, as pretty as it was, with lumps still in the clay, it would break in the fire. He had to get the lumps out so the fire would not break the vase. And so I find that God is still working in my life.....he's still getting the lumps out. He knows I won't hold up in the fire of trials if he doesn't get me ready for the firing process. I'm still under construction and I'm glad God is working in my life.
My wife and I were drawn to the grave stone we saw for Ruth Graham. Carved in the stone were these words, "Construction complete. Thank you for your patience." One day construction will be complete in my life, but while I'm breathing God and I are still working to mold me into the image of Christ. I can't wait for the day when I see him face to face and the work will be done.
I love what was written on Ruth Graham's headstone. That's profound. I didn't know that at all.
Looking forward to hearing you speak tomorrow!
thank you once again for your insights dear friend.
I love Ruth Graham's headstone comment too. I have been thinking about that today. I love your blog, so much insight. I don't always comment, but I do read it all. I really enjoyed your speaking today. Always do. You have such a heart.
Heidi, thank you, dear sister, thank you. Your words are so encouraging.
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