For me to take time aside from the world, to quiet my mind and heart and spend time with God is one of the most important things I can do in my walk with God, and yet, I must admit it is often the last thing I make time for in my busy day.
What always amazes me is that the sovereign God of the universe invites me into his presence at any time in my day to spend time with him! As I write that I'm embarrassed because I don't spend time with God as I know I need to. Now, I'm not being a legalist here, I simply know that my whole life and all that's involved in it is dependent upon the God who made me, who also invites me to come and visit anytime! Why do we find that prayer is low on our list of things we do?
I do believe that prayer is neglected because it's hard work. It demands silence in a world of noise. It demands solitude in a world of people. It demands dependence upon someone else in a world of self-reliance. It demands patience in a world of NOW. It demands time in a world where we think we have so little free time to give away.
The solitary quest is not intended to get God to do something. It's not intended as a time to submit my wish list. It's not meant to be a time to complain. It's my opportunity to quietly tune my mind and life to the one who made me. It's my opportunity to get to know God personally. It's my time to be quiet in his presence and listen....for you see, my goal is not to get a word from God...my goal is to know him. And when I spend time with him, and get to know him, my world changes. My mind and heart quiet down. My fears calm. My brow softens. My sighs turn to giggles. And the God who already knows what I need often answers prayers I never asked.
I spent time with the creator of the universe! Will he not do what's best in my life? The more I know him the more I will trust him. When I'm fearful, worried, scared.....it's clear I have lost sight of God...it's time for a solitary quest to spend time with my God. Whether he answers my prayers is no longer the issue, now my quest is simply be with him. The rest will work out, for you see he's God!
Col 3:1 If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.
Col 3:2 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.
Col 3:3 For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
Col 3:4 When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
Did you really write this at 4:20am???
4:20 or 10:00 am - it is an incredible post!
I lost myself in the truths stated. Thanks for saying it so well.
God, and desiring to know Him - oh what a wonderful moment of solitary peace.
hummmm while you were typing at 4:20 I was headed to turn in a german outline - my first verbal presentation (I simply have to read my own writing!!!!) But oh i'll be hovering in the cleft of the rock, seeking His solace for the next few days in preparation.
Lori, why do you ask? Is it bad or do you think I'm not up that early???
It seems my prayer life is always a check list. What I need, what I'm unhappy about, what blessing would help etc. I read a book on worship that says that true worship is spending time with God. Sure he is the creator of the universe and he is our savior, but he's also our friend. I am trying to learn how to just hang out with my friend,God. Any ideas?
what do you do when you spend time with your wife? Do you talk the whole time? Are there things that must be discussed? Sometimes, but I would say that most of the time is just being together. A smile, maybe a word, a touch and a diet coke. It's time with the person we love that builds relationship. What would that look like for you if you went to God without any lists in your hands? What would you say, what would you do?
Hi, Im from Melbourne Australia. Perhaps True Prayer and the process that is True Religion are not as "solitary" as you might imagine.
Although daily periods of silent contemplation/meditation (and the periodic extended retreat) are the necessary base upon which any authentic Spiritual Culture has to be based.
See for instance;
1. www.dabase.org/restsacr.htm
2. www.dabase.org/dht7.htm
3. www.dabase.org/tfrbkgil.htm
thanks for your comments. I am an evangelical Christian. I already have an avatar...his name is Jesus. I do not need another to lead me to God...Jesus is God and has revealed the very nature of God to us.
Thanks for your comments.
Thank you for sharing this post. Laura
Today in the car, my son wanted to reiterate all that he has been learning about apologetics and basking in the warmth of how much historical proof there is that Jesus is indeed who Jesus says that he is.
While I appreciate that to my logical young man this is a very powerful and persuasive tool at this point in his life, I also know a day is coming when he will meet all the data that "scholars" have acumulated proving that Jesus is not who he claimed to be.
I said to my sweet young man, son its not facts from history that allow us to stand on solid ground when we choose to have faith in our Lord Jesus. It that His presence is with us. Jesus is with us. Praying is just the word we use to describe those moments of communion with Him. We the body of Christ are in desperate need of learning how to recognize those moments that can turn into minutes and for some that turn into hours of daily dwelling with Jesus.
I think the advice you passed on to Billy was absolutely marvelous!
I was just telling someone the other day that as I look back now I am amazed at how the Lord turned my love for "worship music" into prayer. God has started many conversations with me based on the lyrics of a song.
I appreciate your blog so much!!!!
Such a timely post :)
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