I have created a new way to describe many Christians I run into these days. I call them "neck-up" Christians. They have tremendous knowledge. They know doctrine. They know the word. They know "stuff!" And they are of no use to the Christian world or the kingdom of God at all!
Christianity is supposed to be holistic. It's supposed to affect every part of who you are and what you do. It's supposed to change you into the image of Christ.
If your faith does not move from what you know to what you do then you are a "neck-up" Christian. You have heard of the comedy skit "you might be a red-neck if..."? Let me play off of that for a moment with some observations of my own based on this idea....
You might be a "neck-up" Christian if...
...you love bible studies, but don't want to help the poor.
...you will spend hours reading your bible, but don't have time to serve in your church.
...you think discipleship has to do with an open bible and a notebook, and not with painting a widow's home.
...you will go hear the great bible teachers of the day, but don't have time to go listen to the lonely people in nursing homes near you.
...you know the word, but still live in sin.
...you can quote the bible with the best of them, but it doesn't affect your life.
Christianity is supposed to be holistic....it changes all of me or it's not real...it's a "neck-up" religion. Jesus came to confront that kind of religion. In his day they were called Pharisees. He railed against them. He called them white-washed tombs. He called them hypocrites. Today I call them "neck-up" Christians.
Couldn't resist commenting here. I think these are worthy items for the Christian but not our primary calling.
Spread the gospel. Works should be our response to the gospel but not our main goal. You can give a hungry man a fish and save him for today, you can teach him how to fish to feed him for life.
Something like that.
I think our problem as Christians in America is that we are afraid to offend, so it silences talk altogether of religion and morality. We live in a society where our motives are constantly questioned and to 'do your own thing' is the standard.
Oh how that was so needed to say. Something God is challenging me about too. I dont' want to just be a hearer of the Word, but a do-er! I'm tired of reading the Bible and not totally applying it to my life.
I agree. Our primry focus is the gospel, but please focus on what I said, not on what I didn't say. As you know, in a blog an author can't say everything, so we focus on one aspect of the Christian life. My intent was not to cover everything, but to focus on this one thing- a Christian life with God that affects ALL of me. I'll deal with evangelism in another blog entry. Thanks for your great insights.
Sorry I guess I do that. I am only unintentionally an idiot. Ahh well I hope you forgive me. I agree with the premise and thought of Pilgrims Progress... Got sidetracked but maybe we should provide the opportunity not only in our Church but in life to present, preach and teach. Wait I remember a saying 'preach Christ, then when necessary, speak.' Something like that.
Great post...
A while back i would actually keep records of "how good I was doing"...
Journaling my prayers, praying in tongue for 15 min before an hour prayer time, reading the Bible for hours... searching things no one else knew, and on and on...
If I would have been able to stand before Jesus, I would have proudly presented all my "discipline" and "works" (I did witness a bit also)... all I can say is I am glad God showed me His grace....
yet just recently, I was thinking... What have I done... and i was feeling a bit useless.... yet then I get phone calls out of the blue... thanking me for something I said years ago, or that God used me in some way... and I most often do not even recall the time they are talking about...
Sort of reminded me of the Sheep and the Goats a bit...
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