Esther is a great book to help us see things clearly in our day. The great sovereign of the universe is still working in the events of history and in the lives of men and women to accomplish his purposes. He's still doing amazing things just as he did in the lives of Esther and Mordecai.

"Who knows," said Mordecai, "perhaps you have come to this place for such a time as this." Those words could ring loudly in each of our ears. God has placed us where we are and when we are to accomplish his great work on planet earth.
Even if you don't always see what he is doing know that he is busy about working in time and history for his glory. When they write the story of our lives you will see his fingerprints everywhere.
Hi pastor, i have doubt again and again the first article that you had written comforts me once again. This time, i am at the crossroad of my career and am confused with the road God is leading me to.It seems like He has brought me through all the difficult pathway just to reach here and this is really what i want but totally not what i expected. I don't really know what to do. Anyway, just want to share with you since i have been sharing with you everytime when im in doubt. :) i will take my time to meditate the book of Esther today. Thanks
thanks for your words, Yun. I will be praying for you, for God's leading in your life and for wisdom. You are not at these crossroads by accident. It will be exciting to see what God does in your life.
Thanks pastor. :)
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