Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Understanding the problem

I think I know the's me!
It's not God who's keeping me "out"'s me!
His "door" isn't's me!
I'm trying to grow in my faith. I'm trying to be all God wants me to be. I'm trying....and to be honest that's the problem....I'm trying.
It never works when I try to do it my way. I pull with all my might....using both feet to help me get those "doors" open....but they don't budge.
So I get mad at God,
mad at the "doors",
mad at the church,
just plain frustrated with how hard living the Christian life seems to's hard because I have made it harder than it really is.
God hasn't made it hard....I have. In fact his "doors" are not even locked! So why is this so hard? It is hard because I insist on doing it my way.
Major Ian Thomas described the easy way....he said this, "If it pleases you, always and only, to do what pleases God...then you can do as you please."
That's God's way.

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