Tuesday, September 25, 2007

It's Tuesday...

It's Tuesday, and this morning I went to Starbucks to meet one of our men for coffee. When I walked in there were two of our guys from the church having coffee. Big smiles came across both of their faces. I knew what they were thinking.....I knew they couldn't wait to say it....and they did. One of the guys said, "Mike, I really loved your sermon Sunday, but I can't remember what you talked about." We all laughed and then literally talked for quite a while about the details of the message called "Life Lesson from the Old Testament." I really had a lot of fun teaching this message, and I know it had a great impact on those in our family who heard it. I really love this church, and this church family. What a treat to serve God, teach the bible, and love people. It doesn't get any better than that.