Thursday, April 19, 2018

Are you not?

One of my favorite stories of the Old Testament comes from 2 Chronicles 20.  In that chapter king Jehoshaphat is faced with news of a coming army and in response he gathers all Israel at the temple to pray.  His prayer is brilliant, if not given in a bit of panic.  The prayer has 3 questions in it that frame a wonderful model for prayer.  Here they are-  1. Are you not? 2. Did you not? and 3. Will you not?

Are you not?

The king begins with the most important thing- who are we praying to.  If we start with a God big enough to help our prayers become bigger and bolder.  That's what he does.  He begins with the character of God, 'are you not?'  And as he prays about who he is talking to you can see his faith growing.

Then he moves to his second question- 

Did you not?  

In this question he reflects on what God has done in the past, how he has cared for and provided for Israel.  Remembering and reflecting on God's great works in the past is always faith affirming.

And finally, he moves to what is important to them, the request-

Will you not?

In this third question he makes his request.  When you remember who God is and what he has already done it makes your prayers for today bold and vibrant, alive with the reality of a big, active and loving Father.

So, try it.  Outline your prayers as this godly king did with three questions-

Are you not?
Did you not?
Will you not?

Perhaps, for you, as it has done for me, there will come a new excitement and growing faith as you approach the wonderful throne of grace.  He is a wonderful and loving Father and waiting for us to call.

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