Wednesday, April 30, 2014


If you extend grace to others you will be misunderstood.  

Extend grace anyway.

If you extend grace to others you will be judged.

It's better for you to be judged than for you to judge.

If you extend grace to others some will consider you permissive.

Extend grace and let the judgments come.  It's better to be associated with those who need grace than with those who refuse grace to those in need of it.

If you extend grace to others some will say you are not a Christian.

Extend grace anyway, it's more like Christ than you could possibly imagine.

If you extend grace to others some will say you are ignoring sin.

Extend grace anyway.  Remember, God is in charge of dealing with sin, not you.

If you extend grace to others who need it you will be misunderstood.

Celebrate being misunderstood! They misunderstood Jesus too!

(see Luke 6:27-38)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

amen! If God has extended to us so much grace....who are we not to extend grace to others? Very good read!