Thursday, April 24, 2014

A circle in the dirt

I've started to do a small thing when I go to a new place.  It's simple really, but it's a way for me to remember what I'm here for, who I am.

I draw a small circle in the dirt.

Then I pray.  "Lord, begin a revival in this place and begin in this circle." Then I step into the circle and pray, "And Lord, begin with me."

That simple exercise does two important things for me.  It reminds me that my presence anywhere is a chance for God to work in that place.  And, it's also a reminder that any place I am I will touch other lives.  How I interact with them can draw them to the Lord, to his love, or turn them away.  I pray that my little exercise will allow God to work in that place and in me.

So, let me invite to my little exercise.  Draw a circle in the dirt and then step in it.  You are in this place, in this time, encountering people for eternal purposes....never forget that.  If a simple reminder like this helps you I invite you to join me as I draw circles in the dirt.

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