Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Being Jesus

I've posted this photo and the story before, but wanted to revisit it once more.  It's a photo of a man giving his shoes to a homeless girl.  It's a small thing, but it's the main thing.....this idea of sharing what I have with others simply because they are God's precious creations and he loves them....just as much as he loves me.

It's a photo that says more than words can convey.  It's a picture of what it's like to be Jesus in the real world.  This week a friend told me of helping the homeless in our area.  They were helping them with clothes, shoes and other needs.  One of the ladies asked for a certain size of shoe.  The one helping her said, "We don't have that size here, but that's the size I wear.  Here, take my shoes."

Being Jesus to those around us is much easier than we realize....if we only see the need.

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