Ok, now for some deep thoughts from a shallow mind. Realize that profound is just a word to me, and I live in the world of application (so what do I do with that?) So my thoughts will not stir you to great heights, but I do hope they will encourage you.
I am amazed at how God works. He sure does things differently than I would do them! I'm the kind of person that just does it, gets it done...I like the comedian who says, "get 'er done!" I think that's funny. (I know, I'm strange.) But God works in such a different way. He has a grand plan for man and the universe, but to do it he uses the fallen men and women he came to save. He saves us, gives us gifts, then gives us a mission. We use his word, his gifts, his spirit, his resources, and his leading to reach those around us. He provides everything, and all I provide is me. Available...that's the key. Everything else is from him. What a strange way of doing things! But it works, and out of it all he gets all the glory. I'm amazed at the way God works- His gifts, his spirit, his word, his power, his leading, his glory.....and all I bring is me. I think I get it....it's all about him, by him, through him and for him. It's an amazing kingdom....this kingdom God has invited us to participate in.
I remember after Rich Mullins died, I heard a snippet of an interview with him that really stuck with me. He menioned the verse (Mark 3:13, I think) where Jesus summoned those whom He Himself wanted. Rich said he noticed Jesus WANTED them. He doesn't NEED us, but He WANTS us.
It struck me because so often in our society, we think it's important to be needed. I think it's better to be wanted.
This is the 3rd time in just 2 days that I have read the same "general message" about God not NEEDING ME, but still allowing me to participate in what He's doing. Hmmm....I feel a blog entry coming on...
I think Larry the Cable Guy is funny, too (not always, but the git 'er done thing is hilarious). Our big joke in the house is the phrase, "here's your sign..."
Your mind is definitly not shallow :)
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