This morning, as I'm listening to the radio, the talk show host began a monologue about satisfaction. It was quite interesting to hear his views and as I thought about it I found myself not only agreeing with his views, but dwelling on the options as they connect with God and scripture.
His point was that satisfaction is never a destination. We are never satisfied....we simply feed the desire in increasing doses, but satisfaction never comes, we never get there. As I look at the culture around me I see how that has worked out. We get the latest cell phone, but find we want the very next one that comes on the market. We get the newest flat-screen TV, but then oooowww and aaaawww about the commercial showing us the flat-screen we didn't get. We get a new car, but think....if only I had that one.

Solomon talked about this in Ecclesiastes when he wrote,
"Everyone’s toil is for their mouth, yet their appetite is never satisfied." In another passage he wrote, "the eye is never satisfied." No matter how much we have seen we want to see more. I think that is why Internet porn has proliferated so quickly. Although every human has the same basic body parts our minds lust to see see the girl I haven't seen yet.
In contrast to the endless circle of satisfaction fulfillment is the heart that has chosen contentment. Contentment is not having all you want. It's not even being happy with the full stomach after a nice dinner. It's the decision to rest in and trust God with what you do have....even if it isn't enough...because God gives us what we need.
Paul described it this way in Philippians when he wrote, "I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength."
In contrast to the endless circle of pursuing satisfaction is the course correction we make when we trust God and rest in what he has provided. It is enough because he said he will meet my needs. When I find my satisfaction in Him instead of things the decision to be content is a peaceful rest from the furry of MORE.
Contentment is a rest in the one who provides all I need and more. When I find satisfaction in God contentment is the great reward. And then, whether I have a little or a lot I can enjoy it or lose it and never fret over any of it.
Contentment or satisfaction? Pretty easy choice really, isn't it?
1 comment:
Someone has said that "appetite" has only one word in its vocabulary...."more"
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