A year ago this week my life changed completely. I didn't plan for it to change, but change it did. A year ago this week I used a bar stool to plug in the new clock at the back of the church. In a moment of bad judgment on my part my route for the next year would be filled with pain and inconvenience. In a moment of time I lost my balance and fell from the stool crushing my heel. I had never really experienced blinding pain until that moment. My route for the year ahead of me was changed with twists in the road marked "surgery" and "crutches", "casts" and "narcotics". All turns in life I have tried to avoid in the past. It's been a difficult detour to take, but I have learned a lot in the last year with each bend in the road. I have learned a lot about myself and others. I have experienced a lot and know more keenly what others must endure to simply get through a day. It's been a very twisted path I have taken, but looking back on this difficult year I must tell you that I cherish all I went through. The scars, the pain and twists of the road I have traveled have helped me in ways I am still discovering. So, when you see a bend in the road of your life don't resent it as an inconvenience, but look forward to it as an opportunity to see what God is going to do next....it will never be boring and you will never be the same.
I needed these words today. thanks dear friend sorry you had a hard year.
I always tell people that during my husband's unemployment (he quickly found work in a different field and is now back doing what he loves), career adjustments, etc., we just kept walking down the road God had laid out for us. I have told people the path we took is not one I would have voluntarily taken because it was (is) too hard. However, I know God had us go down it for a reason and it am thankful for that. We have been able to encourage others going through tough times because we can totally relate. God uses all things for HIS purpose.
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