Saturday, May 23, 2009

Good news, bad news

Good news- I drank all the milk. Bad news- I'm stuck!
We live with the constant tension of this good news/bad news dilemma. When something good happens we wait for "the other shoe to drop" other words there must be bad news to come. Is this mindset just part of living in a fallen world? Is this the way things really work? Or is this just our perception of the world around us?
I think part of it is true- living in a fallen world makes us anticipate something bad right after something good because "that's just the way it works." I'm rambling a little bit here as I write because I find that I'm struggling for words to express what I'm thinking. Here's the idea I'm wrestling with- We anticipate bad things following good because of the fallen world we live in. It's just the way we have seen it work. Good news/bad news is commonly understood concept. Often we ask, "do you want the good news first or the bad news?" Communicating that both are present and the only thing I can decide in all of this is which one I tell you about first or, as the listener, which one I hear first.
It wasn't meant to be this way. I read in scripture that God's plan was always this, "do you want to hear the good news? Ok, how about some more good news?...." It was an amazing design that provided for a wonderful relationship with him and our good as part of the relationship. It's all been lost, and so now we live in this tension between good and bad. I look forward to the days ahead when the bad news will never be mentioned again.....I'm just a little tired of the curse we live under....

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