Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Focusing my vision

"So whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please him." (ESV) 2 Cor. 5:9

This verse fascinates me with its focus and clarity. It makes me pause and ask some difficult questions. 

In one translation it reads, "We make it our goal to please him." I wondered, honestly, if that really is my goal. Am I living with this as my focus....will this decision, this action please him? 

How can I live today in a way that will please God? 

What does that even look like? 

With this verse I clearly have a target.  With these words I'm given a purpose.  The one thing I need to contribute is to aim at the right target!  It seems, at times, I'm aiming at a dozen different targets in a day and not hitting any of them.  If I were an archer I would be a complete failure!

So now I have a couple questions to ask- What does it look like to "aim to please him"?  Where is the target?  Am I thinking about this with each decision?  Is this a focus of any of my day?  

Quickly I see how easy it is to aim at all the wrong things.

And, finally, what would change in my life if this was my aim?  If I looked, in every situation, every decision, for what it would look like to please him. How would my days change?  

Just a few thoughts from someone who often aims in all the wrong directions......

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