Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Doubting God

Have you ever doubted God?

Have you ever wondered, "Are you really there?"

Have your prayers gone unanswered in a time when an answer seems vital?

I have.

Doubting God is the real experience of every believer.  I wonder if anyone hasn't doubted at one time or another.  In a time of crisis, a time of need, a prayer unanswered, a pain unhealed, we have all experienced the real question, the honest question, "God, are you there? Are you really there?"

Many would tell you that doubts are sin, but I will tell you that doubts are the real experience of any man or woman of faith.  It's part of our experience, and with the doubts come an opportunity to grow in faith or walk away completely.

Some have let doubt derail their faith.  They had a prayer that was "life or death for them" and when God was silent that was the "final straw" and they walked away.  Some have been bitter about the apparent silence of heaven, but in the silence is an opportunity to ask, "God, what are you doing?  How can I use my doubts to grow in faith?  What do I do with the doubts that scream at me and make it seem you aren't there?"

Have you ever doubted God?  I have.  I've wondered if he was really there, if there was a God at all.  If you're honest you have too, but from my doubts I've discovered a deeper, stronger faith in a God who is quite comfortable with my doubts.  In fact, one of his own men, Thomas, doubted to the point of saying, "I will not believe unless, until...."  And out of his doubt came this testimony, "My Lord and my God!"

Have you ever doubted God?  Good. Will you, in the moments of doubt take a deep breath and be honest with God? Will you tell him your fears and doubts and ask him to use these doubts and fears to make himself more real to you?  

Or will you walk away?

Trials, tests, unanswered prayers are all opportunities to grow in faith or see your faith wither and die.  Don't let doubts derail you, celebrate your honest humanity and invite God to make himself even more real to you through your time of doubt.

He will.

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