Monday, November 11, 2013

Another year

Today is my birthday.

As a youth I always thought people as old as I am today were "old", but I don't feel that old.  In fact, I'm not even a century into eternity, so in light of how much of the real life I have ahead of me I've only just begun!

If my life was only measured in the years I have here on earth it would be most frustrating to see them pass so quickly, but because of Christ....because of what God has done, these few years are just the beginning!  

So today, at 63, I celebrate another year to love God, love people and be part of an eternal kingdom that makes these few years here a wonderful beginning to the billions ahead!

1 comment:

Bruce O'Hara said...

Happy belated birthday :-) I'll be 63 in March and I don't feel old either.
I stumbled upon your website a few weeks ago. I like it.
I put out a daily Conservative newsletter that is political through the week, and religiously themed on Sunday.
I have posted some of your writings, with proper attribution, though not in this weeks.
Here's the site if you'd like to see it...

God Bless Us All,
Bruce O'Hara