Years ago I pastored a Quaker church. I still remember a specific week as I made preparation for the Sunday sermon. I remember that it was a busy week, and getting time in the word to prepare for the sermon was difficult. So it came down to Saturday......I worked all day Saturday pouring over the word, praying, sweating....and I got nothing! Panic set in! This was the day that I realized something very profound- Sunday always comes.....at 9:00 AM the next morning I would be in the pulpit......whether I had something to say or not! It was an agonizing night for me....I don't think I slept at all. I still remember the night....and then here it comes...SUNDAY.
I got dressed for church, no sermon. I went over to the building and unlocked it, no sermon. I got the coffee made, no sermon. I greeted the church family......knowing I had nothing to say....It was painful.
And then, the most horrible thing happened- church started! We sang....took the offering...prayed....had a sharing time....and there I sat......NO SERMON! It's a preachers nightmare.
Then it happened....it's my turn.....I walk to the podium and did the only thing I could do....I said, "I have studied and prayed all week and I got nothing. I don't have a sermon. God must have given it to one of you, because he didn't give it to me." Then I sat down......
For a moment...silence. Then one of our men stood up and said, "This is really exciting. I have been excited about sharing this all week, and wondered if I would get to." And he did. He preached the sermon. He did a great job.
I will never forget that week. The embarrassment of being on the platform without a sermon...and yet God worked it all out. He humbled me. He taught me to trust him. He taught me that he wants to use all of us in the church. He gave me a great story to share with you these 30 years later....and now I can laugh.
So, today....for this blog....I've got nothing. One of you must have the message for the day, because he didn't give it to me.....
What's God doing in your life today?
I got dressed for church, no sermon. I went over to the building and unlocked it, no sermon. I got the coffee made, no sermon. I greeted the church family......knowing I had nothing to say....It was painful.
And then, the most horrible thing happened- church started! We sang....took the offering...prayed....had a sharing time....and there I sat......NO SERMON! It's a preachers nightmare.
Then it happened....it's my turn.....I walk to the podium and did the only thing I could do....I said, "I have studied and prayed all week and I got nothing. I don't have a sermon. God must have given it to one of you, because he didn't give it to me." Then I sat down......
For a moment...silence. Then one of our men stood up and said, "This is really exciting. I have been excited about sharing this all week, and wondered if I would get to." And he did. He preached the sermon. He did a great job.
I will never forget that week. The embarrassment of being on the platform without a sermon...and yet God worked it all out. He humbled me. He taught me to trust him. He taught me that he wants to use all of us in the church. He gave me a great story to share with you these 30 years later....and now I can laugh.
So, today....for this blog....I've got nothing. One of you must have the message for the day, because he didn't give it to me.....
What's God doing in your life today?
I read it and think you should change the title to "I've got something to share - Humility, Trust and Understanding."
Have a blessed day,
He's teaching me that I don't pray enough.
(And, by the way, I reposted Sunday's entry. I'll blame you if I get hate mail. jk)
He's teaching me that I'm too busy doing "stuff" rather than getting to know him. (Thanks, Bill & Lori)
He's teaching me that no matter what, he is in control even when the wind is blowing and the rain is pouring in, the waving pitching over my edge of the boat and its frightening.
He not only holds the outside elements, he holds me.
Gosh, how many times do I have to redo that particular class before I get it?
Dear Pastor Messerli,
I have never heard a pastor admit that he does not have a message for the day. Far from that, few pastors ever admit their own weaknesses.
You have demonstrated a quality so lacking in many Christians - that of humility and honesty.
I admire that. Really. Would be exciting to hear you preach. Do you have sermons online?
Vincent from Singapore
Yes, we have a number of my messages online. You can find them at www.crossroadsbible.org. Click on the link to sermons. You will find a number of mine in the list.
thanks for asking.
He is teaching me that i need to work harder on my end of the relationship. i desperately want to know Him more but, i can't get anywhere unless i work at it!
thank you for sharing that story!
Yes I agree, you know, I pray to have GOD actively lead my life and at times I realize I am not paying attention to HIS lead. He works in spite of me, thankfully. I can see HIS lead when looking back but even when I am not paying attention GOD is using me anyway. I would prefer to be aware of this instead of missing out on the knowledge of GOD being glorified. So I guess what I am being lead to say is that paying attention and living as we should (searching, reading, doing) we are being lead. GOD is using us, we must pay attention to the opportunities to understand how. I recognize GOD from knowing GOD and I know GOD because I read HIS word.
You know Mike, even when you have nothing you say it in 4-5 paragraphs.
Sorry couldnt help saying that..
Thanks for that last comment! You made me smile....but isn't it the stories of our lives that help others with their walk? I love the comments you have all made, I'm thrilled at the great insight, and thank you for handling the sermon for me today...you all did a great job and are an encouragement to me.
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