Friday, September 08, 2017

My greatest enemy

I have an enemy
I deal with daily
I face constantly
It seems my battle will
continue till the day I die

My enemy is not
the President
the Russians 
or Iran

My enemy is not
or Hindus

My enemy isn't
ISIS, Nazis, anarchists, 
liberals or conservatives

My enemy isn't
or bisexuals

My enemy is much more insidious 
than any of these, 
much more deadly and dangerous

My enemy is ME

Paul the Apostle knew this same enemy 
when he wrote these words,

I have discovered this principle of life—that when I want to do what is right, I inevitably do what is wrong.  I love God’s law with all my heart.  But there is another power within me that is at war with my mind. This power makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me.  Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death?  Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord. So you see how it is: In my mind I really want to obey God’s law, but because of my sinful nature I am a slave to sin."

My enemy is ME!
But because of Jesus Christ our Lord
that enemy can face defeat daily
if only I will trust him
to live his life through me

Lord, I am the problem, not anyone else
Thank you for being the solution
Win the battle in me 
 live your life through me
Win the battle with the enemy 

that is me

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