Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The nearness of God

"But as for me, the nearness of God is my good;
I have made the Lord God my refuge,
That I may tell of all Your works."
Psalm 73:28

The nearness of God is a scary thing if you don't know him. In fact most of the world runs from the real God for fear of the encounter, but there are a few who know him and know that his closeness is the best thing that can happen in their lives.

For Peter walking on water the nearness of God kept him from drowning.

For the leper near death the nearness of God meant the touch of the Savior and a new life.

For many in the stories of the bible the nearness of God meant they were seen, loved, cared for and heard.

For millions since the first century the nearness of God has meant hope, home, love and relationship.

For me the nearness of God has been my good.  Without him my life has no meaning, my days are empty and a reason to live is hard to find, but because there is a God who is near, who sees me, I have purpose, hope, love and a future.

The nearness of God is my good.  How wonderful to have a God who is near to those who seek him.