Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The King and The Chaos

Chaos- "Complete confusion and disorder: a state in which behavior and events are not controlled by anything." -Webster's Dictionary

There are two contrasting worlds around us.  One ruled by a good King, loving, giving, caring, compassionate and totally in charge of the events of our lives for our good.

The other world is the world of chaos.  It's a world without a king, without direction, without purpose, without....

We each live in one of these two world systems.  The rule of the King or the rule, if you can call it that, of chaos.  The goal of the King is to destroy chaos once and for all and set up his kingdom, and that will happen, but until then chaos is creating havoc with those who  live on planet earth.

The contrast is simple, it comes from John 10- "The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly."

All around us we see the work of chaos and the work of the king. The contrast is dramatic and intentional.  The two oppose each other for the rule of mankind.  The King has the best intended for mankind, the chaos has the destruction of everything as its goal.

In the middle is the human race with a choice- The King or The Chaos.  Make your choice, it's important, but know that the choice of one is completely different than the choice of the other.  As the old knight in the Indiana Jones movie said, "He chose poorly" and then, in contrast, when Indy made his choice he responded, "He chose wisely".  

The choice is ours....The King or The Chaos.  The outcome of each is clearly defined in scripture.  Choosing the King seems restricting, but it's not. Choosing Chaos feels free, but it's not.  

The war rages on for the eternal destiny of each man, woman, boy and girl....the war between The King and The Chaos.  Ultimately the King will win, he must, but the Chaos will take millions in the fight.  It's a war for the very soul of man.

Choose wisely....choose The King.

1 comment:

Mike Messerli said...

I know this post isn't really very comes from some thoughts I was having this morning....just trying to put them in print. With a bit more work this might be something good, but for now it's just my thoughts scribbled down.
