Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Purposes and plans

The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me;
    your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever.
    Do not forsake the work of your hands. Ps. 138:8

What are God's plans for me? 
What does he have ahead?
We all wonder, don't we?
We want to know what God's plans are for us,
what he is "working on",
but I've not yet gotten insight into his plans,
that is information we couldn't handle, 
wouldn't know what to do with....

But he does promise us this- he will fulfil his purpose for us.
He will accomplish what he has designed us to be.
He will make it happen.

Why?  What's he up to? What drives his purposes in my life?
The next line in this verse is so reassuring.  
The driving force for God's work in my life is his love.
Because of his love I can trust his purposes....
even when I have no idea what he's doing, 
why he's doing it
or how it will all turn out.

He will accomplish his purposes in my life
simply because he loves me.

How wonderful is that?

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