Thursday, October 13, 2011

Reflecting God's glory

This morning, as I drove in to the church, ahead of me at nearly 8 AM was the full moon. I tried to get a good photo of this beautiful site, but this is the best I could do. With this beautiful moon filling my windshield as I drove I thought about the story it's telling. The moon has no light of its own, it emits nothing by itself, all the light coming in my windshield as I drove was a reflection of the sun behind me!

It's clear from scripture that this is my job too. I have no light of my own, but I am invited by God to reflect his glory to the world around me. If I don't get in the way the world is drawn to his reflection and wants to know where that light comes from. If I do get in the way the world dismisses me as another religious nut. The one thing they can't deny, if I don't mess it up, is that my light is coming from somewhere else, it's not me.

Like the moon this morning, my job is simply to reflect the glory of God. I pray I don't get in the way of his reflection in my life. If people could see only a reflection of him in my life I would be thrilled!

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