Here's the proposition- God comes to you with this query, "Would it be ok if we put your life in print to help people after you're gone? Oh, and by the way...that means the bad stuff too. Would it be ok if we tell them about all your mistakes as well as your victories? We won't keep anything secret...we'll tell them everything. It will really help them. Would it be ok?"
What's your answer?
I think, like most of us, the answer would be, "NO WAY! I don't want everyone to know all the bad stuff too. You can tell them the good stuff, but don't tell them everything!"
And God replies, "But it won't help if you always look good. They have to see someone like them, someone who struggles, has problems, says stupid things. They need to see how messy it is to be a human being in relationship with me. So, would it be ok if we write it all down?"
Finally you give in, "Ok, Lord, if it will help other people...ok."
But then the Lord replies, "Oh, one more thing. I'll need your journal too. We need to give your journal to them as well so they can see how you felt as you went through those bad days. Can I get a copy of your journal for the book I'm writing?"
"My journal too? It's bad enough that you're going to tell them all the stupid things I've done, but you want to put my personal journal in print as well so they can see what I was thinking? I don't know Lord, that's embarrassing....now you're asking too much!"
"But they won't understand how you felt, what you thought, your anguish during those days if you don't share your journal too. We need both pieces to help them in their walk with me. They need to see the good and the bad. Won't you share that with them as well?"
What would you say to the Lord? Would you let him tell the world about you? Would you let everyone know about you failures as well as your victories? Would you share with everyone how badly you messed up and how frustrated you were with God at times? Would you let the world read your journals too? If God had this visit with you what would you say?
I ask this for a reason. After I hear your comments I will share with you part two of this discussion......"What would you say?"