Tuesday, August 20, 2013

"Full-time, short- term missionaries"

This is from my friend, Renod Bejjani. I loved the words, thought I would share them with you.

"My friend is an intentional "full-time, short- term missionary." Here's what that means: She'll be on a mission trip to Wal-Mart, and happen to shop while she's there. Or she'll go on a mission trip to a restaurant and eat lunch while she's there.

This summer, she was on a mission trip to a new dry cleaner. She struck up a conversation with the owner, and uncovered the owner was Muslim. My friend invited her to watch the Jesus video. The owner was intrigued. Over several weeks, my friend befriended the owner, offered her a Bible, and began a Bible study.

Last month, my friend's new Muslim friend accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior. Now she is discipling a brand new sister in Christ. Sharing Jesus with Muslims can be that simple. God has brought over 200,000 Muslims to DFW. Most have never been befriended by a Christian. Most have never heard the Gospel. 

Together we can change that."

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