I woke in the night last night with this verse my first thought, "Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10.
It's a much quoted verse, but I think we miss so much that it's trying to say. May I rewrite it in Mike's paraphrase?
"Hush, be quiet, stop, rest, don't move....just pause for a moment and know that I am God.
That I am God over your joys and over your sorrows.
That I am God when you are at peace and when you are afraid.
That I am God when your health is good and even when it isn't.
That I am God when you have food and when you are hungry.
That I am God when there is abundance and when there is nothing.
That I am God when you have a job and when you don't.
That I am God when you have hope and even when you are in despair.
That I am God over everything."
The one theme I see throughout the bible is this very important truth- The Lord is God, He is Lord of everything, both good and bad, both smiles and tears.
He's Lord and you can trust him, he's got it all under control. So, be still, rest, relax, let down your frown, exhale, stop worrying, stop trying, stop everything and rest in the Lord who simply wants you to know that HE is LORD.
One of my favorite verses is Psalm 29:10. In this short verse is a very important truth. Here it is, "The Lord sat as king at the flood, the Lord sits as king forever." At the worse time in human history God was seated on the throne fully in charge. At the worse time in your life God is seated on his throne fully in charge of your life. Relax, he's got it. Stop, cease, be still. The God of the universe loves you and is Lord of your everythings. Trust him. "Be still and know that HE is God."
1 comment:
Just in time, just beautiful. Thank you.
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