Saturday, March 29, 2014

Living like Christ

"Americans have a higher opinion of gay people than they do of evangelical Christians, according to a new poll from the Human Rights Campaign."  -The Advocate

This statement is the first line in a recent article.  Isn't it sad that we have departed so far from what we were called to by Christ?  We were called to be a light to the world, salt to our culture and instead we have left a bad taste in the experiences of our culture.  

We don't need better P.R., but rather we need to go back to the gospels and follow Jesus around once more.  Instead of being seen as critical, judgmental and condemning we are called to love as Christ loved.  He ate with "publicans and sinners", we instead criticize them.  He drew the hurting, lost and struggling, but we seem to be too busy for them. 

I'm not trying to criticize the Christian community, obviously the culture has done that for me.  What I hope to do in my own life is live in such a way that when those who don't know Christ commentary my life they will say, "He loved others like Jesus did, he loved me."

May that be our common goal, our passion, to live like Christ and once more recapture the love that touched the world 2,000 years ago and turned it upside down.

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