Monday, November 04, 2013

When I was young....

When I was young I thought I knew everything, but didn't.
Now that I'm older I know I really don't know much at all and that's ok.

When I was young I thought I would live forever.
Now that I'm older I know I will live forever, but not here.

When I was young I wasn't afraid of anything because I didn't know better.
Now that I'm older I know fear well.  It has helped me grow in my faith in God.

When I was young I only rarely knew pain.
Now that I'm older I know pain as an intimate friend and companion.

When I was young days lasted forever.
Now that I'm older I know the days soon will last forever.

When I was young I knew Jesus as savior.
Now that I'm older I know his as friend.

When I was young love was a feeling.
Now that I'm older I know love as a person.

When I was young visions of  greatness seemed the most important quest.
Now that I'm older I know that greatness is highly overrated!

Now that I'm older I know God better than I ever dreamed I would,
but still only know him as a child knows his father.

Now that I'm older I look forward to the day
when I will know him even as I am known,
when I will see him face to face.

I long for that day.

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