Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Thank you

Thank you
Two words in response to
a gift
a kindness
a phone call
a caring hug

Thank you
We say it often
 to express gratitude

When I read Psalms
I see "thank you" everywhere
Nothing I say will be that inspired
But let me say thank you as well

Thank you, Father
Thank you for being God
For being a good God
A loving God
A compassionate God

Thank you for creation
For the colors
The shapes
The smells
The sounds
What a glorious creation you have made!

Thank you for your nature
For your care for me
Your love for me
You patience with me,
I need it a lot

Thank you for your gifts
There are so many
Thank you for work to do
Thank you for health to do it
Thank you for all you give
And most of it I don't deserve

Thank you for family
for loved people who love me too
Thank you for your family, the church
Thank you for your care for each one

Thank you for Jesus
For his life that shows us what you are like
Thank you for his compassion
for his heart for people
for his love for food
for his love of me

Thank you for the cross
and thank you for the resurrection
Thank you for the promise of life with you!
Eternity would be a long time
without you in it

Thank you for the promise 
for the hope
for the joy
for your book
for your Spirit

There is so much
I haven't even mentioned
All the things you endure with me
You never give up on me
If I were you, I would have given up
on me years ago

Thank you
There is so much
Maybe that's what eternity is about
 a time to know all that you have done
simply because you love us

Thank you.

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