Thursday, April 30, 2015

The terrible sin

We are becoming a world with its fist in the air to God.  

The anger, resentment, rebellion of our world is growing.  We see it in the wars, the riots of our cities, the parade to demonstrate this or that.

All around us our world is coming apart at the seams.  At the core of it all is one terrible sin.  It's the #1 sin, the worst sin.  Although all sin (a word we rarely use anymore) has the same outcome there is one that is the cause of all others.  The one sin that is #1 on the list and is the cause of most of what we see in the world is pride.

Pride was the cause of satan's rebellion.  It was at the heart of Adam's sin.  It's the driving force for much of what gets me in trouble.

It's my #1 problem!  Pride makes me jealous of someone else's success, envious of what another has, resentful of what another does. At the heart of it all is pride.  

Pride's symbol is "I".  I am the master of my fate, I make my own decisions, it's my right to do this, go there, believe that.  Pride is me trying to be god.  

But it doesn't work....because all around me are other proud little creatures trying to be god as well...and so we fight, squabble, kill, steal and a hundred other things to validate what pride has made me believe about myself.

The number #1 sin?  Pride.  It's the first sin and my biggest enemy.

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