Monday, May 19, 2014

On being nobody

I live in a time and place in history when fame and popularity are important.  In fact, if we can't find fame from the media we create it through Facebook.  With enough friends reading all about us and our lives we have a sense of value, significance, a feeling that we are somebody.

Often I have fallen into this trap as well.  I have had the goals and desires for success, fame in my field, the desire to be "known".  With the years of life I am realizing how fickle and worthless all of this really is.  Quickly people weary of any one person and move on to the next "celebrity" who will provoke their interest and attention.  Fame is fickle!

In my world of Christianity I have desired to "make a difference", to be known, recognized, speak in front of large crowds, to "be somebody"!  But I am at a place where I'm honestly thrilled to be nobody.  If God does anything with who I am, where I am and what I do that's up to him.  As for me, I'm finally content with anonymity.  What a great place to be.

Suddenly I find that I can engage people without an agenda, without watching my watch.  Time, status, position and fame don't matter.  What matters is a walk with God....all the rest is God's problem.  Aaaaaaahhhh......finally, I pull over to the slow lane and enjoy the scenery, really listen to those around me, think, experience the world God has made, "smell the roses".  

Finally, for me to live is simply knowing Christ and when it's over I get to be with him!  How great is that?  

All the rest is smoke and mirrors.  

Everything else is a waste of time.

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