Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Taste and see

"Taste and see that the LORD is good" -Psalm 34:8

Taste and see...what an interesting invitation.  Taste is a sensory experience.  My wife has often said, "taste this and tell me what you think."  It's given by someone I love and I rightly assume she's not trying to give me something that taste terrible.  She watches and waits as I taste the bit of food offered.  "What do you think?",  "Was it good?"

But this invitation is much different.  God connects two completely different sensory experiences together in this tasting of what God is like.  Taste and see do not go together at all!  Taste and see have implications for more than my mouth, they speak to my entire experience.  Obviously David is not inviting us to taste God, but the imagery is applicable.  Taste is to sample, to experience something and here it's God, his nature and work in our lives.

Taste God's nature, his heart, his work, his love and you will see that he's good.  In the tasting is always a commentary.  Did it taste good? Was it too salty?  What did you think?  In this tasting of God, who he is and what he does, we will see his nature come out.  We will see and say every time, "Oh, that's so good!"

It's an invitation.  "Here", says David, "taste this, you'll like it."  And when we do our response will be, "oh, he is so good."  What an invitation from a good God.  Taste and see...God is good....you'll like him, you really will!  In the tasting you will see his goodness.


Anonymous said...

I've often wondered as well if this isn't a bit of prophesy directed toward the last supper?

Mike Messerli said...

Jim, great thought....I never would have gone there. Now I will have to think about that as well. Thank you.