"Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma." -Ephesians 5:1-2
Christians are often criticized for being critical....and we are.
Christians are called judgmental...and too often we are.
Christians can come across "better than thou" at times....but we aren't.

Honestly, we were never called to be fruit inspectors judging the deeds of those in the world. We were never asked to set the rules for everyone to follow. Jesus never admonished us to be the morality police for the communities we live in. He only asked us to do one thing....love one another.
That is the solution to everything! If the Christian world would simply live by these two simple verses and not try to fix the world with our code of ethics we would in fact fix the world with the love of Christ.
How do we so easily miss this? We miss it because it's hard. People are messy, dirty, mean, unkind...they don't do things the way we want them to. People are hard to love, but that's our primary task. If the Christian world would simply love those around them it would be the solution to everything.

No more focus on changing laws, instead we would love those around us and as they trust Christ because of that love the community around us changes.
There are a hundred more I could mention and they are all easier than loving the unlovely, but our task is to love....just as Christ loved us.
If we lived by these two simple verses it would be the solution to everything.