Tuesday, February 28, 2012

You can trust him

Psalm 119-
89 Your eternal word, O LORD,
stands firm in heaven.
90 Your faithfulness extends to every generation,
as enduring as the earth you created.
91 Your regulations remain true to this day,
for everything serves your plans.

What would happen if you set up your camera to take a long time-lapse photo? Here it is. The spirals are the stars as they course their way across the heaven. What a beautiful picture they paint night after night as they declare the faithfulness of God. These same stars were seen by others thousands of years ago. They proclaim the faithfulness of God as they obey the God who made them. They proclaim the power of God's word. The word spoken that made them, put them in their place and now has for thousands of years sustained them.

It's his word that created the world we enjoy. It's his word you might read and study if you are a Christ follower. His word is eternal. What an interesting idea. When all else fails it's his word that stands. It stands because his word declares his faithfulness. Everything that word touched as he spoke it declares his faithfulness. As I write this I realize I'm getting a little mystical here, but what I'm trying to grasp and communicate is the greatness of God to speak and then, in his faithfulness, to make his word eternal, sure, trustworthy in creation.

It was his word that spoke the stars into existence and they have faithfully obeyed his word as they display his glory in the heavens.

It's his word I read each day, that same word that spoke and created the heavens is now in my hands to read and see his faithfulness in my life.

In other words God is trustworthy. You can put your full weight and eternity in his hands. He will keep his promises. Just look at the stars.


  1. THANKS! Beautiful! Did you check out this photo, how long is the time lapse? AMAZING PHOTO!

  2. AMEN on "You can trust him". Great post!
